Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hibernia Atlantic to Construct Lowest Latency Cable from NY-to-London

Hibernia Atlantic unveiled plans to build the lowest latency submarine cable route from New York to London. "Project Express" aims to achieve Round Trip Delay (RTD) latency of under 60 milliseconds, providing a strategic advantage to high frequency financial traders.

Hibernia Atlantic said its new submarine network build will be the shortest route from New York to London. It will initially be lit with 40 Gbps technology and upgraded to 100 Gbps in the future.

The first phase of the new build will begin with a new cable from the County of Somerset in the UK, to Halifax in Canada then connect to Hibernia's current low latency cable from Halifax to New York. In addition, the new system will include branching units for future latency enhancements to the US and Continental Europe. The build is projected to be completed by the summer of 2012.

"Demand for low latency routes has grown exponentially over the past several years," states Bjarni Thorvardarson, CEO of Hibernia Atlantic. "Project Express will offer the lowest latency from New York to London and provide demanding customers the speed and accuracy they require." Furthermore, the new Express transAtlantic cable will allow customers to reach other key financial cities and will offer lowest latency connections between Frankfurt and London and into Chicago, New York City and Toronto. Additionally, Toronto will now connect into London at sub 70ms."