Bridgewater Systems and Sandvine completed integration and interoperability testing of their respective platforms for enabling intelligent policy control solutions for 3G and 4G mobile operators.
The tests involved Sandvine's Policy Traffic Switch (PTS), which detects network conditions, counts usage and enforces network, and subscriber policy decisions defined by the Bridgewater Policy Controller (PCRF). The testing included the PCRF Gx and Gy usage metering interfaces for 3GPP-compliant Policy Control Enforcement Points.
The companies said their joint policy solutions enable mobile operators to deliver tiered services by applying policies that, for example, give Bronze subscribers 500 megabytes per month of data, with no peer-to-peer services or parental controls, while providing Gold subscribers with one gigabyte per month of data including peer-to-peer services and parental controls. The solution could also be used to personalize applications usage by applying policies such as allowing unlimited social networking for a fixed monthly fee and offering usage restrictions during school hours. It could also ensure fair usage by applying policies based on subscriber service plans and real-time network congestion levels.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Bridgewater and Sandvine Partner for Mobile Policy Control
Monday, September 27, 2010