Monday, February 22, 2010

Alcatel-Lucent Cites Market Gains in IP Service Provider Routers

Alcatel-Lucent gained almost five percentage points of market share in 2009, solidifying its number two position in the "edge" segment with over 20 percent market share, according to figures from Dell'Oro Group cited by the company. Alcatel-Lucent was also the only one of the three leading router vendors to gain share in the overall service provider router market, with an increase of almost four percentage points in 2009.

"The service provider edge is where operators define and deliver services for residential, mobile and business customers, making it a key focus for capital investment, despite the tough economic environment throughout 2009. This is the market opportunity that Alcatel-Lucent's service router portfolio is ideally suited to address, and the reason we've taken another five points of market share in the last year," said Basil Alwan, president of Alcatel-Lucent's IP Activities and head of carrier portfolio strategy. http://www.alcatel-lucent.comhttp://