BitTorrent named Douglas Walker as its new CEO and Eric Klinker as its new CTO. BitTorrent inventor and current CEO, Bram Cohen, will assume the role of chief scientist and current president Ashwin Navin remains in his role, unchanged. Both will continue to be deeply involved in all aspects of company strategy and operations.
Prior to BitTorrent, Douglas served as president and CEO of Alias Systems, a dominant provider of 3D software technology to the entertainment and product design industries, and successfully led the company to its acquisition by Autodesk Corporation.
Eric Klinker is the former CTO of Internap, a leading provider of network optimization and content delivery solutions. Prior to Internap, Eric was CTO and Chief Architect for netVmg, a pioneering provider of intelligent route control and bandwidth management products.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
BitTorrent Names New CEO and CTO
Tuesday, October 16, 2007