Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Cisco and Microsoft Outline Architecture for NAC-NAP Interoperability

Cisco Systems and Microsoft outlined their plans for how Cisco Network Admission Control (NAC) and Microsoft Network Access Protection (NAP) will interoperate. A technical whitepaper released by the two companies describes how Cisco NAC and Microsoft NAP interoperate for security policy enforcement and health assessment. The white paper describes the architecture and provides details on how to integrate the embedded security capabilities of Cisco's network infrastructure with those of Microsoft Windows Vista and the future version of Windows Server, code-named "Longhorn."

In addition, the two companies have revealed a general road map for bringing Cisco NAC and Microsoft NAP interoperability to market, including a limited beta program set to start later this calendar year. Customers will be able to start deploying the Cisco NAC-Microsoft NAP interoperable solution oncehttp://www.microsoft.comhttp://www.cisco.com/