Monday, September 19, 2005

Veraz Extends its Softswitch for Wireless

Veraz Networks has extended its service delivery platform for wireless networks, enabling fixed mobile convergence (FMC) by unifying the service layer and enabling application portability across wireline and wireless networks. Veraz's FMC approach is enabled by its family of programmable softswitch, service delivery and media gateway platforms that are based on a distributed architecture that maps to IMS.

The Veraz architecture incorporates programmable service broker capabilities that can coordinate between multiple service platforms, like legacy wireline SCPs, wireless SCPs, NGN app servers, and services within the Veraz ControlSwitch. The platform supports protocols used in various TDM and VoIP networks in addition to wireless protocols such as IS-41, GSM-MAP, WIN and CAMEL.

Veraz said its library of native protocols, in combination with its programmable service broker unifying the service layer, makes it possible to add new protocols, such as wireless IN and ongoing enhancements to SIP and IMS related interfaces.