Hammerhead Systems introduced an enhanced EMS capability based on XML/SOAP that enables its HSX 6000 Layer 2.5 aggregation platform to support up to a thousand different service profiles on a single port, including VoIP, IP Video, Internet, email and business services, while supporting up to a million flows per system. Each of these profiles can be "pre-engineered" onto the network, enabling virtually instant provisioning of new services using automated tools.
Hammerhead's new Pegador SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) supports the TeleManagement Forum 854 XML/SOAP Interface, which is a loosely coupled Internet-based framework mandated by large service providers. SOA will enable service providers to address the operational challenges in the deployment of higher value services and facilitate the development of web-based services and customer network management offerings. This could include the integration of business systems to management systems for reliable billing, web applications for transaction processing as well as integration to supplier and partners for purchase order fulfillment and order tracking, and service revenue opportunities for the enterprise in verticals such as the financial, retail, manufacturing or transportation sectors.
Hammerhead said its Pegador SOA could be used to facilitate such applications services, to bind IP networks with application networks, and to provide a high levels of flexibility for the service provider. XML/SOAP provides the critical link between service providers' business and management systems to deliver web-based applications that leverage the advanced service, quality and management capabilities of network elements.
"Pegador SOA is key to service providers as the OSS infrastructure is the most costly piece of a network and a critical financial barrier to introducing new offerings due to the time and expense of integrating services into the back office infrastructure," said Pete Savage, CEO of Hammerhead Systems.
Highlights of Pegador SOA include:
- Embodies a comprehensive EMS for full service offerings
- Provides a competitive differentiator for service generation and revenue
- Supports a standards-based approach to northbound integration using TMF 854
- Enables service providers to extend high touch services to end-users
- Eliminates additional program development
- Leverages advanced QoS features of the HSX 6000 that can be used for differentiated services
- Pegador SOA will be available in October 2005.
- Hammerhead's HSX 6000 provides dense Ethernet aggregation, Pseudowire termination, legacy Frame Relay and ATM support, and Service Interworking. It features a "Layer 2.5" edge aggregation approach designed to integrate access services (wireline, broadband, broadband fixed wireless and 3G) that are typically based on Layer 2 connection-oriented technologies with new services that are based on Layer 3.