Tuesday, September 6, 2005

FCC Warns Wireless Carriers Not to Disconnect Hurricane Victims

The FCC will take steps to ensure that wireless service providers do not improperly disconnect consumers displaced by Hurricane Katrina because they are unable to pay their bills. The U.S. Post Office is not fully operational in forwarding mail and the communications networks (including access to the Internet for online bill pay options) are not at pre-hurricane capabilities.

To ensure that consumers of these services continue to maintain access to their wireless service during this difficult time, all licensees of wireless services serving consumers affected by the hurricane are required to submit a report no later than Thursday, September 8, 2005 verifying their compliance with the standard industry practice of maintaining service to people displaced by Hurricane Katrina despite failure to pay bills. Reports should describe the grace period or other relief licensees are providing for this issue. http://www.fcc.gov