Sunday, May 22, 2005

ECI Telecom Delivers Optimized Transport for Utilities

ECI Telecom announced an optimized optical transport solution for the utilities industry based in its XDM product line. The platform enables utilities to support their internal networking needs and legacy services such as SCADA, voice circuit telephony and power system protection, and then migrate to broadband applications and value-added commercial service offerings such as LAN/WAN, L2/L3 VPN, VoIP, video surveillance, IP-Based SCADA and Storage Area Networking (SAN).

ECI said that unlike other platforms that require a specific chassis and network element for each transport technology, its XDM converged solution supports all transport technologies: DWDM, CWDM, SDH/SONET, PDH/Async and Ethernet, including Fast Ethernet and GigE. The company noted that its XDM platform has been deployed by utility companies worldwide, including, among others, Banverket in Sweden, REN in Portugal, JEA in the United States, Tata Power in India, and China State Power.