QUALCOMM introduced its Convergence Platform of multimode chipsets aimed at merging wireless devices with consumer electronics. The company is introducing three chipsets, each of which incorporates a modem processor, an applications processor and associated DSPs delivering up to 1GHz speeds. The chipsets will include advanced power management capabilities for longer battery life, security and digital rights management support, wireless PC synchronization support, and connectivity to external consumer electronics devices via 802.11, USB, Bluetooth or other interfaces.
QUALCOMM said its Convergence Platform could be incorporated into a range of consumer electronics products with capabilities such as digital cameras (up to 6 megapixels), VGA 30 fps video recording and playback, high-fidelity digital stereo audio record and playback, etc.
Separately, QUALCOMM announced the wireless industry's first single-chip RF CMOS transceiver for dual-mode WCDMA (UMTS)/HSDPA and GSM/GPRS/EDGE (EGPRS) terminals. The device integrates a WCDMA (UMTS) transceiver and quad-band EGPRS transceivers into a single-chip, enabling cost optimized, smaller form factor devices for mainstream WCDMA (UMTS) markets. Samples of the RTR6275 are expected to ship in the second quarter of 2005.
QUALCOMM also announced that 21 wireless device manufacturers have selected its integrated chipsets and system software for their WCDMA (UMTS) deployments. http://www.qualcomm.com
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
QUALCOMM Debuts Convergence Chipset
Wednesday, May 12, 2004