Monday, December 8, 2003

Spirent Adds PPPoE Testing for its Avalanche

Spirent Communications announced new software for its Avalanche product line that enables equipment manufacturers and service providers to effectively test real application traffic running over Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE). The solution could be used to test Video on Demand (VoD), bandwidth on demand, premium services and differentiated service offerings from an end-user perspective. The PPPoE testing feature in the new Network Edition 6.1 software release offers high rates of PPP session setups, large user handling capabilities, configuration for multiple types of common authentication and the ability to simulate multiple classes of users and measure the quality their user experience as defined by application-specific metrics. The solution supports a wide range of applications over PPPoE, including web browsing, video streaming, file transfer and e-mail access.

Spirent's Avalanche platform can generate in excess of 50,000 HTTP requests per second, and supports HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, HTTPS, RTSP/RTP (Apple QuickTime), RealSystem streaming, Microsoft Windows Media 8 and 9 Series, SMTP, POP3, DNS, Telnet and FTP. In addition, Avalanche can generate Distributed Denial of Service attack traffic inline with any mix of multi-protocol traffic.