Monday, August 5, 2024

Deutsche Telekom Advances AI Workflows with 5G APIs in AutoLog Project

Deutsche Telekom is driving innovation in the port of Emden through the “AutoLog” project, aimed at automating and enhancing workflows at automotive terminals. In collaboration with Volkswagen Group Logistics, the Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik (BIBA), and software specialist Unikie, Deutsche Telekom is deploying its 5G network and edge data centers to develop new storage and logistics solutions with automated driving at the Volkswagen plant in Emden. These advancements are expected to significantly improve efficiency and address challenges such as limited terminal space and a shortage of skilled workers.

The Emden terminal, a critical logistics hub for Volkswagen, handles the movement of over 1 million vehicles annually. Deutsche Telekom’s 5G network and edge computing capabilities are integral to the project’s success, enabling fast, reliable data processing and communication. This infrastructure will support the Unikie Marshalling Solution (UMS), which automates vehicle control, and a digital twin of the terminal created using LiDAR sensors for precise, real-time data. This setup ensures that both manually and automatically driven vehicles can operate safely and efficiently, even in densely populated areas.

  • 5G Network Integration: Deutsche Telekom’s 5G network and Quality on Demand Network API ensure stable, reliable communication for automated vehicle control.
  • Edge Data Centers: Localized data processing for fast and secure communication between marshalling systems and vehicles.
  • Digital Twin Technology: LiDAR sensors create a digital replica of the terminal for accurate, real-time monitoring.
  • Project Goals: Improve efficiency, safety, and sustainability in automotive terminal operations by integrating automated and manual vehicle control.

The “AutoLog” project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport’s IHATEC II program, with a budget of 5.8 million euros, and aims to demonstrate the benefits of automated port logistics, including increased efficiency, reduced CO2 emissions, and enhanced workplace safety.