Monday, July 29, 2024

Fiber Connect 2024: Verizon's Eric Lia Advocates for Expanded Fiber Broadband

At the Fiber Connect 2024 conference in Nashville, Eric J. Lia, Senior Vice President of Engineering at Verizon, underscored the transformative power of broadband for rural America. Lia emphasized that broadband access is not merely about faster internet speeds but about leveling the playing field and unlocking growth potential in education, healthcare, economic prosperity, and community development. He highlighted the significant disparities in broadband access, pointing out that 8.8 million households remain unserved or underserved, with 50% of households and school-aged children lacking reliable internet. To bridge this digital divide, Verizon has committed over $3 billion from 2020 through 2025 to expand internet access, particularly focusing on rural areas, schools, libraries, and small businesses.

Lia also addressed the challenges and solutions in expanding fiber broadband. He urged for regulatory flexibility to avoid burdensome restrictions and redundant costs, which can hinder progress. Lia emphasized the importance of leveraging existing infrastructure and upskilling the workforce to meet the growing demand for fiber deployments. Innovations in fiber technology, such as smaller, more efficient cables and hubs, are crucial for reducing costs and accelerating installations. He called on all stakeholders to collaborate and innovate, stressing that every decision should aim to expedite the deployment of fiber broadband to enhance the quality of life for residents in underserved areas.

Key Points:

  • Broadband access is essential for education, healthcare, economic prosperity, and community growth.
  • 8.8 million households remain unserved or underserved; 50% of households and school-aged children lack reliable internet.
  • Verizon is investing over $3 billion from 2020-2025 to expand broadband access, particularly in rural areas.
  • Regulatory flexibility and leveraging existing infrastructure are crucial for efficient fiber deployments.
  • Innovations in fiber technology are needed to reduce costs and speed up installations.
  • Collaboration and innovation among stakeholders are essential to accelerate broadband deployment.
