Tuesday, June 11, 2024

JUNO cable linking Japan-US deploys Ciena’s WaveLogic 6

The NTT DATA-led JUNO submarine cable system, which will link Japan and the United States, will deploy Ciena’s GeoMesh Extreme, powered by WaveLogic 6 Extreme (WL6e).

 The 10,000km JUNO cable, which is slated to launch at the end of 2024, will be the highest capacity trans-Pacific cable.

Ciena said the state-of-the-art cable will benefit from its performance-optimized WL6e, enabling 800Gb, 400Gb, and 100Gb services. JUNO will also benefit from Ciena’s Navigator Network Control Suite, which provides operational efficiencies for the cable, simplifying and accelerating planning, provisioning, and assurance workflows. Additionally, Ciena Services will provide submarine-specific automation for installation, spectrum activation, and testing for time savings and improved spectrum optimization. Submarine Line Terminal Equipment technical support will also be provided to maintain the highest network reliability.

“NTT DATA is dedicated to providing reliable global internet infrastructure and Ciena’s industry-leading WaveLogic 6 coherent optical technology will enable JUNO to start strong. We continue to see demands to build our global digital economy, and capacity and network performance are critical pillars to support this rapid growth,” said Yoshio Sato, CEO, Seren.

“Existing Japan-U.S. cables are nearing capacity limits and there is a need to meet the growth of bandwidth-intensive applications associated with AI, cloud-based services, and streaming videos. Powered by WL6e, the JUNO cable, which is the largest trans-Pacific submarine cable system, will be ready to hit new service delivery targets as soon as it launches,” said Thomas Soerenson, Vice President, Global Submarine Solutions, Ciena. 

  •  In July 2022, NEC announced a contract to build the JUNO Cable System, which is slated to be the highest capacity transpacific cable when it comes online by the end of 2024. The project is led by Seren Juno Network Co., Ltd., a company established by NTT Ltd Japan Corporation, PC Landing Corp. Mitsui & Co. and JA Mitsui Leasing.
  • The JUNO cable will span 10,000 km between Chiba prefecture and Mie prefecture in Japan to California.NEC plans to deploy its newly developed energy efficient repeaters and leading-edge SDM (Space Division Multiplexing) technology. This system will be able to adapt as many as 20 fiber pairs for the first time in a trans-Pacific subsea fiber-optic cable. The cable is expected to provide a maximum capacity of 350 Tbps.