Sunday, June 9, 2024

Indonesia's Telin builds Cable Landing Station for Bifrost cable

Telin hosted a groundbreaking ceremony for the Cable Landing Station (CLS) near Pantai Mutiara, a critical component of the Bifrost Cable System. 

The ambitious Bifrost cable will connect Singapore and North America through Indonesia, enhancing connectivity across the Java Sea and the Celebes Sea. The construction of the CLS marks a significant milestone in the project, which has been under development since March 2021, in collaboration with Keppel, Meta, and Google.

The Bifrost Cable System aims to address the increasing connectivity needs of Southeast Asia, offering seamless direct connectivity to North America, low latency, and network diversity. The project is poised to significantly bolster Indonesia’s international connectivity and support the region's digital transformation and economic growth.

Bifrost highlights

  • CLS Location: Near Pantai Mutiara, Indonesia.
  • Partners: Telin, Keppel, Meta, and Google.
  • Route: Connects Singapore, Indonesia, and North America via the Java and Celebes Seas.
  • Project Start: March 2021.
  • Strategic Gateways: Manado as the second international gateway after Batam.
  • System Length: Approximately 16,000 kilometers.
  • Landing Points: Guam, Indonesia, California, and Singapore.
  • Benefits: Enhanced connectivity, low latency, network diversity, and capacity resiliency for businesses and consumers.
