Monday, February 26, 2024

#MWC24 NTT video: AI Opportunity at the Edge

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We're really just getting started with AI and the main area of focus will shift to the edge. Devin Yaung, SVP, Global Enterprise IoT from NTT explains:

- AI is only as effective as the data it's fed, and that's where Edge computing comes into play. It's the layer closest to the physical environment, collecting data to feed AI models.

- Companies are running out of processing power on the edge due to over-reliance on the cloud. Now, the focus is shifting back to the edge, with IoT sensors playing a crucial role in data collection.

- The importance of Edge computing is highlighted in applications like computer vision, where constant data collection from various environmental constraints is necessary to train the model effectively. The right network, devices, and Edge compute are vital in this process.

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