Tuesday, October 17, 2023

#OCPSummit23: AI is Open Compute Project's Biggest Challenge

Is AI the biggest challenge for the Open Compute Project (OCP)? 

Zaid Khan, Board Chair from Open Compute Project, explains:

- The sudden pivot to AI caught everyone by surprise, leading to a race in optimizing systems, data centers, and infrastructure to accommodate this shift.

- The lack of collaboration among companies and vendors in addressing AI challenges presents a unique opportunity for OCP to bring everyone together and solve these problems as a community.

- OCP is embarking on an important journey to tackle these challenges, emphasizing that this is not a problem one company can solve alone, but requires collective effort and collaboration. 


Filmed at OCP Summit 2023 (#OCPSummit23) in San Jose. Want to be involved our video series? Contact info@nextgeninfra.io