Sunday, November 13, 2022

ITEN introduces a tiny 100µA.h micro-battery

ITEN introduced a micro-battery of only 100µA.h. that can be recharged via an indoor photovoltaic cell. 

Potential applications include sensors powered by Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) System-on-a-chip implementations. The company says such a solution powered by its micro-battey could operate 24/7 sending data every 10 seconds during the day and every 4 to 5 minutes during the night (this frequency could be increased if using a 250µA.h micro-battery instead). By comparison, a coin cell of at least 100mA.h would be required to get the same operating conditions but with a limited lifetime.

ITEN, which is based in Lyon, France, recently closed a EUR 80 million financing round.