DC BLOX, a provider of multi-tenant data centers, dark fiber, and connectivity solutions, is using fiber optic cable from OFS for its Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Cable Landing Station (CLS) and terrestrial network extension. The project connects the Myrtle Beach CLS, through Charleston, Augusta, and Atlanta landing in Lithia Springs, Georgia with eight strategically located network aggregation facilities.
Through DC BLOX's acquisition of Light Source Communications' fiber assets in South Carolina and Georgia, the long-standing direct relationship ensures projects are supported from concept through completion, with direct access for technical support on all planning, deployment, and operational matters.
DC BLOX celebrated the groundbreaking of the new CLS on October 4, 2022. The 15-megawatt CLS is expected to be available in the second quarter of 2023, while the fiber route will be completed in the first quarter of 2024. DC BLOX's nearly 500-mile dark fiber route will be the first, high-capacity East-to-West fiber path from South Carolina through Georgia. "With a relationship that spans more than seven years, we are proud to know that OFS' local facilities are manufacturing our fiber optic cabling. DC BLOX is committed to serving locally and connecting globally and bringing business opportunities to regional communities is important to us," adds Debra Freitas.