Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Atherton Fiber builds open access in one of America's wealthiest neighborhoods

A new company called Atherton Fiber has launched in San Mateo County, California offering  1-Gigabit symmetrical broadband service for $65 per month (and 500 Mbps service for $55 per month). The company expects to roll out 2.5-Gigabit symmetrical service later this year.

For high-income homes and businesses that want the ultimate in broadband connectivity, Atherton Fiber will deliver 10 Gigabits of symmetrical fiber service for a $10-$15,000 installation charge plus a $300 monthly fee via its Personal Fiber License service.

Notably, Atherton Fiber is promising Open Access Community Networks, allowing other providers to access their fiber network so cities can deliver their own branded broadband services. 

Currently operating its network in Atherton and North Fair Oaks, the company plans to expand into Woodside, Menlo Park, Mountain View, Palo Alto, and other California cities over the coming year.

“Broadband connectivity has changed people's expectations about what ‘fast’ means—what was amazing a couple of years ago is now annoyingly slow,” said Gerry Lawlor, chief executive officer at Atherton Fiber.” Our mission is to deliver the fastest broadband possible with the best customer service, period.”