Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Rogers launch Canada’s first commercial 5G standalone network

Rogers Communications a has launched the first commercial 5G standalone (SA) network in Canada, turning on the next-generation service after completing the rollout of Canada’s first national standalone 5G core and the country’s first 5G standalone device certification. 

Rogers said its 5G SA Core network has been built from the ground up based on the latest cloud native technologies, enabling more advanced wireless capabilities like ultra-low latency, network slicing and mobile edge computing and expanding Rogers 5G footprint. 

“We are thrilled to be the first in Canada to launch a commercial 5G standalone service,” said Jorge Fernandes, Chief Technology Officer at Rogers Communications. “This milestone underscores our ongoing leadership in 5G and will bring immediate benefits to customers by increasing coverage, scalability and availability, and improving network response times, enabling a world of new use cases and applications.”

“Today’s launch delivers exciting new opportunities and capabilities to industries, businesses and consumers across Canada,” said Yasir Hussain, Chief Technology Officer, Ericsson Canada. “Ericsson is collaborating with our partners at Rogers to deliver 5G advanced services and innovative network solutions to meet the growing demand from Canadian companies and consumers.”