Monday, December 6, 2021

Latest YANG data model release advances automation of network elements

The latest YANG data model release from Broadband Forum targets the automation of the control and configuration of access network elements.

Amendment 4 of TR-383, ‘Common YANG Modules for Access Networks’ builds upon the existing feature-rich set of YANG data models, introducing improvements to Quality of Service (QoS) that address large scale deployments as well as providing statistics for debugging services.

The new amendment leverages IETF RFC 8632, ‘A YANG Data Model for Alarm Management’, to define alarms related to ANCP and optical transceivers. It further adds a set of common YANG types and YANG grouping definitions that will be used in TR-454.

TR-383 defines YANG data models for the management of access network equipment such as DSL Access Nodes, Distribution Point Units (DPUs) or Optical Line Terminals (OLTs) to be used across many deployment scenarios and these can be used for a multitude of other applications. TR-383 forms the core of YANG modules that are used across a broad range of products, including copper-based (VDSL, and fiber-based access (G-PON, XGS-PON, NG-PON2).

Common YANG data models afford service providers the ability to leverage detailed end-to-end visibility into the performance of every programmable Software-Defined Access Network (SDAN) element to unlock new levels of capacity, automation, and efficiency.

The Broadband Forum said this latest Amendment also lays the required groundwork for TR-454 ‘YANG Modules for Access Network Map & Equipment Inventory’ by introducing a set of common YANG modules and types that will be used by the specification. With these modules, service providers can efficiently manage a range of broadband services supported over any access technology, including VDSL, and Passive Optical Networks (PON).

“With demand for network capacity, particularly fiber deployments, growing consistently, operators are constantly looking for ways to make their operations more efficient and more cost-effective. Automating the configuration and control of network elements is one way of doing this but as a growing concept, ensuring interoperability has been and continues to be a key concern,” said Vice President, Strategic Marketing and Business Development at Broadband Forum, Craig Thomas. “This work addresses the challenge by ensuring interoperability between network components of different vendors to allow effective automation, defining YANG data models for functionality which is common across access network elements supporting various physical layer technologies.

“As well as improving existing modules, it sets up Broadband Forum’s next phase of work in the SDN/NFV Work Area – which represents a significant step towards further interoperability with even more technologies.”