Monday, December 6, 2021

Dell'Oro: Mobile backhaul drives recovery in microwave transmission

Demand for Microwave Transmission equipment is recovering from the market contraction that was caused by the COVID-19 pandemic beginning in 2020, according to a new report from Dell'Oro Group.

“The Microwave Transmission market grew eight percent in the first nine months of the year,” stated Jimmy Yu, Vice President at Dell’Oro Group. “The demand for microwave equipment has sharply increased this year due to mobile radio backhaul, and the outlook continues to improve as 5G deployments proliferate. Our biggest concern, however, is that the supply chain is not keeping up with demand, delaying some shipments and raising costs,” added Yu.

Highlights from the 3Q 2021 Quarterly Report:

  • Microwave Transmission revenue from mobile backhaul grew 11 percent year-over-year in the first nine months of 2021. Growth was driven by both 4G and 5G radio deployments.
  • Huawei maintained the highest revenue share. The manufacturers with the second and third highest shares were Ericsson and Nokia, respectively. In the first nine months of 2021, Ericsson outperformed the market, increasing its market share by three percentage points.
  • E/V Band radios continued to drive the Microwave Transmission market growth. Growth rates of this equipment, which can enable up to 10 Gbps of capacity over a single carrier, has outpaced that of the total market for over nine years.