TIM announced its support for the Open Radio Access Network (Open RAN) initiative kicked off last month by Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica and Vodafone.
TIM hopes the initiative will provide strong impetus to new functionality in 5G networks.
Major European operators commit to Open RAN
Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica, and Vodafone Group announced a joint commitment to the rollout of Open Radio Access Network (Open RAN) as the technology of choice for future mobile networks. In a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) the four operators expressed their individual commitment to the implementation and deployment of Open RAN solutions that take advantage of new open virtualized architectures, software and hardware to build more agile and flexible mobile networks in the 5G era.
The four operators will work together with existing and new ecosystem partners, industry bodies like the O-RAN ALLIANCE and the Telecom Infra Project (TIP), as well as European policy makers, to ensure Open RAN quickly reaches competitive parity with traditional RAN solutions. This initiative is an important milestone towards a diverse, reinvigorated supplier ecosystem and the availability of carrier-grade Open RAN technology for a timely commercial deployment in Europe.
The four operators believe that the European Commission and the national governments have an important role to play to foster and develop the Open RAN ecosystem by funding early deployments, research and development, open test lab facilities and incentivizing supply chain diversity by lowering barriers to entry for small suppliers and startups who can avail of these labs to validate open and interoperable solutions.
O-RAN publishes 3rd software release - Cherry