Sunday, July 12, 2020

IBM to acquire Brazil's WDG Automation

IBM agreed to acquire WDG Soluções Em Sistemas E Automação De Processos LTDA, a Brazilian software provider of robotic process automation (RPA). Financial terms were not disclosed.

WDG Automation, which is headquartered in São José do Rio Preto, Brazil, provides RPA, Intelligent Automation (IA), Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and chatbots primarily to customers in Latin America. The WDG Automation technology is designed for business users to create automations using a desktop recorder. These software robots can run on-demand by the end user or by an automated scheduler.

IBM said the acquisition further advances its AI-infused automation capabilities, spanning business processes to IT operations.

"IBM already automates how companies apply AI to business processes and IT operations so they can detect opportunities and problems and recommend next steps and solutions," said Denis Kennelly, General Manager, Cloud Integration, IBM Cloud and Cognitive Software. "With today's announcement, IBM is taking that a step further and helping clients accelerate automation to more parts of the organization, not just to routine, but more complex tasks so employees can focus on higher value work."

"Automation is crucial in the digital era, as businesses need to perform several repetitive or routine tasks, so that employees are able to focus on innovation. I'm incredibly proud of the role WDG Automation has played in the RPA market with a unified and integrated platform to help companies in Brazil increase their productivity," said Robson Felix, Founder and CEO, WDG Automation.