Wednesday, July 1, 2020

CTIA appoints AT&T's David Christopher as chair

CTIA announced David Christopher, Executive Vice President and General Manager – AT&T Mobility, as its new Board Chairman effective immediately.

Christopher, who previously served as CTIA Vice Chairman, replaces outgoing Chairman Ken Meyers, who earlier announced his retirement as U.S. Cellular President and CEO.  Slayton Stewart, CEO of Carolina West Wireless, will assume the role of Vice Chairman.

“David’s proven leadership and vision will help the U.S. wireless industry build the emerging 5G economy.  We are very lucky to have him as Chairman at this critical juncture,” said CTIA President and CEO Meredith Attwell Baker. “I look forward to working closely with David, Slayton and the rest of the CTIA Board to ensure Americans continue to benefit from world-leading wireless networks. I also want to thank Ken for over 30 years leading our industry and his wisdom and friendship in serving as CTIA Chairman the past two years.”