Monday, April 13, 2020

Vertical Systems: Fiber connections to commercial buildings in the U.S.

Availability of direct optical fiber connections to commercial sites is expanding across the U.S. and now more than one million commercial buildings and data centers now have on-net access to fiber-based network services, according to latest ENS @Fiber Plus research from Vertical Systems Group.

The Fiber 20+ segment, which includes buildings with twenty or more employees, has a 64.5% fiber lit availability rate. This compares to 12.1% availability for the Fiber <20 2019="" accounting="" availability="" buildings="" despite="" employees.="" fewer="" fiber="" for="" gap="" growth="" in="" includes="" lit="" more="" new="" of="" p="" propelled="" segment="" sites.="" small="" than="" the="" this="" twenty="" two-thirds="" which="" with="">
Fiber lit buildings are strategic assets that provide competitive advantages such as faster and more profitable delivery of network services. Vertical Systems Group measures business fiber market leadership with annual Fiber LEADERBOARD benchmarks. Thirteen retail and wholesale providers attained a rank position on the 2019 U.S. Fiber Lit Buildings LEADERBOARD based on 10,000 or more on-net fiber lit commercial sites. Another twelve companies qualified for a citation on the 2019 Challenge Tier with between 2,000 and 9,999 lit buildings.
