Thursday, March 12, 2020

Sparkle buys more capacity on FA-1 transatlantic cable

Sparkle, the first international service provider in Italy and among the top ten global operators, will add more spectrum capacity over the Flag Atlantic (FA-1) transatlantic system connecting Paris and London to New York.

Under the agreement, Global Cloud Xchange (GCX) will provide additional terabit of capacity on the current transatlantic connectivity, thus enabling Sparkle to offer even faster and more reliable City2City connectivity and Seabone IP Transit services over one of the world’s most growing corridors.

“By partnering with GCX we significantly enhanced our connectivity offer between Europe and the Americas,” said Daniele Mancuso, Chief Marketing Solutions & Business Development Officer at Sparkle. “GCX’s network gives us  unparalleled access to secure and stable bandwidth.”