Tuesday, February 4, 2020

T-Systems' EdgAIR runs Wind River Cloud Platform

Deutsche Telekom's T-Systems division is using Wind River Cloud Platform edge cloud infrastructure software for its EdgAIR secure and high-performance edge computing platform.

T-Systems' EdgAIR platform performs as a private enterprise edge cloud and can be connected to a campus network by supporting various network and protocol standards (5G, Wi-Fi 6, TSN, etc.). The platform is secure and delivers low latency (<10 a="" also="" amounts="" analytics="" and="" applications="" as="" be="" but="" can="" closed="" cloud="" combined="" critical="" data.="" edgair="" enable="" enterprise="" evaluate="" for="" hybrid="" in="" information="" massive="" milliseconds="" network="" of="" offerings.="" on="" onsite="" operational="" other="" p="" performance="" processing="" provide="" public="" real-time="" real="" runs="" standards="" such="" supports="" teams="" technology="" that="" the="" time="" to="" with="" workloads.="">

“Demanding edge compute requirements from 5G, IoT, and MEC applications are creating challenges for those trying to deploy cloud native solutions,” said Paul Miller, vice president of Telecommunications at Wind River. “Wind River Cloud Platform addresses the complexities of deploying and managing a physically distributed, cloud native 5G infrastructure. Together with T-Systems, we are able to help customers achieve an operationally efficient, edge-capable cloud that can support thousands of nodes.”

“As industries dive further into the use of automated and intelligent applications, such as autonomous vehicles, factory automation and logistics, or augmented reality, there is a rising need for even greater security and powerful edge computing,” said Thomas Weber, vice president of PaaS, BigData, and Edge at T-Systems. “By working with Wind River, T-Systems is delivering a secure platform with extremely low latency that can help companies tap into intelligent real-time applications for limitless possibilities.”
