Thursday, December 5, 2019

Spirent intros 100G and Crypto performance testing

Spirent Communications introduced a C200 appliance for 100G and Crypto performance testing.

The C200, which represents a significant expansion of the Spirent CyberFlood security and application performance testing solution family, is a 1RU appliance providing connectivity at 10G, 25G, 40G, 50G, and 100G. The C200 offers up to 16 x 10G or 4 x 100G ports per appliance. Multiple C200s can be combined to offer 48 x 100G or 192 x 10G ports, delivering more than 3.5Tbps of application layer testing capacity in 12U of rack space.

The C200 with CyberFlood supports NetSecOPEN standards-based testing methodologies, that better reflect how modern security and content inspection solutions will perform under a variety of real-world traffic conditions and threats. In addition, the C200 supports Spirent’s legacy Avalanche solution, which provides extensive client emulation and application services load testing on a massive scale.