Monday, December 16, 2019

DE-CIX tops 8 Tbps at Frankfurt Internet Exchange

DE-CIX Frankfurt hit a new world record: more than 8.1 Terabits per second across its Internet Exchange. In September, the Frankfurt Internet Exchange handled peak rate of 7.1 Tbps for the first time.

In a timeframe of just a few weeks, data traffic at DE-CIX Frankfurt increased by almost 14 percent at peak times.

“This record figure not only underscores our position in the global market, but also that of the FrankfurtRhineMain metropolitan region as one of the most important data hubs in the world.  We are very happy with the development that we have been able to observe for many years now with regard to data throughput and the customer response to it at DE-CIX in Frankfurt. This data record can be explained purely on the basis of the increase in the number of connected networks since the beginning of the year. Here we were able to record an increase of more than 10 percent, which brings us to just under 950 connected networks. An additional factor coming into play is being in the season when Internet users particularly like to stream films or play online. All of these components contribute to such a record,” says Thomas King, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at DE-CIX.

Generally, the data traffic at Internet Exchanges moves in waves and reflects the daily rhythm of Internet usage, beginning at 6 am and reaching its peak at around 9 in the evening. Seasonal changes – in summer people tend to be online less than in the fall and winter months – can also be registered.