A tier-one U.S. mobile operator has selected Spirent Communications to support nationwide 5G assurance efforts. The operator will deploy Spirent VisionWorks for active assurance, initially testing end-to-end performance across its Non-standalone (NSA) 5G network. The deployment is underway in more than two dozen 5G markets, with plans to expand to hundreds more over time and to support the roll out of Standalone 5G beginning next year.
“With 5G, the stakes are higher than ever for operators to deliver differentiated experiences and guaranteed quality for a range of customers and applications, from connected vehicles to IoT sensors and beyond,” said Doug Roberts, General Manager of Lifecycle Service Assurance at Spirent. “For the first time, we’re seeing operators deploy service assurance alongside the earliest stages of their next-gen network rollouts. Our customers have recognized that delivering on early performance expectations is absolutely paramount to the development of sustainable 5G revenue streams.”
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Tier 1 U.S. Mobile Operator picks Sprirent for Service Assurance
Tuesday, October 22, 2019