Wednesday, October 2, 2019

ETSI begins work on Securing Artificial Intelligence

ETSI has formed a new Industry Specification Group on Securing Artificial Intelligence (ISG SAI) to develop technical specifications to mitigate threats arising from the deployment of AI throughout multiple ICT-related industries. This includes threats to artificial intelligence systems from both conventional sources and other AIs.

The intent of the ISG SAI is to address 3 aspects of artificial intelligence in the standards domain:

  • Securing AI from attack e.g. where AI is a component in the system that needs defending
  • Mitigating against AI e.g. where AI is the ‘problem’ or is used to improve and enhance other more conventional attack vectors
  • Using AI to enhance security measures against attack from other things e.g. AI is part of the ‘solution’ or is used to improve and enhance more conventional countermeasures.

Securing AI Problem Statement

This specification will be modelled on the ETSI GS NFV-SEC 001 “Security Problem Statement” which has been highly influential in guiding the scope of ETSI NFV and enabling “security by design” for NFV infrastructures. It will define and prioritize potential AI threats along with recommended actions. The recommendations contained in this specification will be used to define the scope and timescales for the follow-up work.

The founding members of the new ETSI group include BT, Cadzow Communications, Huawei Technologies, NCSC and Telefónica.

The first meeting of ISG SAI will be held in Sophia Antipolis on 23 October.