Sunday, August 25, 2019

MEF 3.0: An Ambitious Step for the Communications Industry

MEF Annual Meeting – July 2019, Michael Strople, President, Allstream and Chairman, MEF, shares his thoughts on the value of MEF 3.0 -- the transformational global services framework for defining, delivering, and certifying assured services orchestrated across a global ecosystem of automated networks.

“I’m really excited about where we’ve come with MEF 3.0. Carrier Ethernet 2.0 was a very important achievement, and it launched an US$80 billion industry – the gold standard for networking. MEF 3.0 is an ambitious step beyond that. With MEF 3.0, we build on top of the work in Carrier Ethernet, but we’ve added IP and Optical Transport, and most importantly – over the course of this last year – we’ve defined the first standard for SD-WAN and the software artifacts that go with that (LSO APIs).”

“MEF 3.0 includes certification, specification, the software that goes with it, and it also includes the notion of community – where we don’t have to reinvent what already exists but we’ve taken what exists in the network industry and put it all together.”

To learn more about MEF 3.0, visit:

Download the industry's first SD-WAN standard here:

To explore the latest on MEF 3.0 innovations and engage with industry-leading service and technology experts such as Michael Strople, attend MEF19 (, held 18-22 November 2019 in Los Angeles, California.