Thursday, June 13, 2019

Germany completes 5G spectrum auction, raising EUR 6.5 billion

After 52 days and 497 rounds of bidding, Germany completed its auction for 2 GHz and 3.6 GHz mobile spectrum. A total of 420 MHz was auctioned off for €6.5 billion. Deutsche Telekom was the largest spender and newcomer Drillisch was also successful in acquiring spectrum.

"The end of the auction fires the starting gun for 5G in Germany. I'm pleased that four companies have acquired spectrum and will compete to expand the network for 5G. The spectrum is to be used not just for the new mobile communication standard, 5G, but also to improve mobile coverage in Germany. It is now up to the companies to put the spectrum to use quickly and to fulfil their coverage obligations," "said Jochen Homann, Bundesnetzagentur President.

Information on the auction and the results of the individual rounds can be viewed at