Tuesday, December 11, 2018

LightPointe consolidates HQ and manufacturing in San Diego

LightPointe, a manufacturer of outdoor point to point radios since 1998, has moved its headquarters and backhaul radio factory into a new enhanced facility in San Diego.

LightPointe has consolidated the manufacturing of its 60 GHz, 70 GHz, 80 GHz, and 90 GHz point to point radios at the new location. This includes its Aire X-Stream Ultra Low Latency (ULL) radios, which are the de-facto standard in extremely demanding high-speed applications such as High Frequency Trading (HFT) networks, and its AireLink radios which are used to connect buildings and towers up to ten miles apart at up to 10 Gbps Full Duplex.

“We’re excited to have completed our move into a new facility which will enhance our operations for years to come, and it came at an exciting time as we conclude our 20th Anniversary Customer Appreciation Sale—which runs through December 31st”.
