Cable Onda, a leading television service provider in Panama, is deploying Coriant's packet optical transport technology to upgrade its DWDM backbone infrastructure.
The deployment uses the Coriant 7100 Nano Packet Optical Transport Platform, which offers advanced networking features, including Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexing (ROADM) and dynamic photonic switching.
Coriant said its 7100 Nano enables Cable Onda to cost-efficiently address diverse traffic demands with a flexible system architecture that supports fabric-less switching for OTN, packet, and SONET/SDH, 10G and 100G transparent transport.
Grupo Comtel is the local partner.
"We are pleased to team with Comtel to deliver Cable Onda a truly best-in-class solution purpose-built for their evolving service needs," said Alberto Barriento, Managing Director, Caribbean and Latin America, Coriant. "The ability to cost-efficiently scale backbone capacity and adapt to unpredictable end-user traffic flows helps Cable MSOs like Cable Onda differentiate their services in a highly dynamic and competitive market environment."
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Panama's Cable Onda deploys Coriant's packet optical
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
#Packet/Optical, Coriant, Panama