Docker market share has grown 30% in one year with larger enterprise companies leading adoption, according to a recent survey by Datadog, which offers a monitoring service for dynamic cloud infrastructure.
Datadog’s Docker Adoption Research was based on a sample of 10,000 companies and tracks real usage, making it the largest and most accurate review of Docker adoption published to date. Datadog found that two-thirds of companies that try Docker adopt it within one month and quintuple their usage within nine months. These statistics demonstrate that containerization is solving real, immediate problems for companies at scale.
Datadog also introduced its Automated Service Discovery, a service that enables teams to seamlessly monitor Dockerized infrastructure without interruption as it expands, contracts, and shifts across hosts by continuously listening to Docker events. Whenever a container is created or started, the Datadog Agent identifies which service is running then starts collecting and reporting metrics. Whenever a container is stopped or destroyed, the Agent recognizes that as well.
“Datadog has been adopted by thousands of leading enterprise companies transitioning away from legacy IT,” said Olivier Pomel, Co-Founder and CEO of Datadog. “This gives us unique insight into where the industry is heading, what innovative technologies are being adopted, and allows us to better service these customers.”