Monday, October 24, 2016

WiGig USB Adapter Gains Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Status

Peraso, a fabless semiconductor company headquartered in Toronto, announced that its WiGig USB Adapter Reference Design Kit is part of the Wi-Fi Alliance test bed for Wi-Fi CERTIFIED WiGig and among the first products to achieve certification.

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED WiGig is an interoperability certification program from the Wi-Fi Alliance, with products based on technology defined in the IEEE 802.11ad specification.

Peraso has been an active participant in the standardization of 60GHz technology and development of the IEEE 802.11ad specification.

Peraso is currently in production with WiGig IC solutions, addressing both next generation Wi-Fi opportunities in the consumer electronics (CE) space, as well as outdoor devices in the 60 GHz wireless infrastructure space, and continues as a vital player in the Wi-Fi Alliance compliance efforts.

"We congratulate Peraso on achieving selection to the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED WiGigTM test bed," said Wi-Fi Alliance CEO Edgar Figueroa. "Peraso's participation in the development of this program has been instrumental in the achievement of an industry-wide certification for this program."

WiGig technology delivers multi-gigabit connectivity in the uncongested 60GHz spectrum, providing unparalleled speed and performance, where throughput, low latency and reliability are essential.