Monday, January 26, 2015

NTT Com Offers Fortinet's Software Security Appliance

NTT Communications has begun offering a software security appliance service that can be deployed in a customer’s private cloud, and in the near future via NTT Com’s WideAngle security service for managed security.

The service, which is offered in collaboration with Fortinet, enables the on-demand use of basic security functions, such as cloud intrusion prevention system (IPS) and filtering, for the unprecedentedly fast, flexible and low-cost implementation of security measures.

NTT Com is the world’s first telecom service provider to launch a one-stop service for managed security service using Fortinet’s software security appliance. It is being offered as a new option in NTT Com’s Enterprise Cloud service for mission critical systems.

NTT Com said its one-stop service combines basic security measures such as IPS and URL filtering, plus antivirus and antispam measures for emails, as well as managed security for virtual environments in a customer’s private cloud and NTT Com’s WideAngle cloud.