Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Ikanos and SoftAtHome Offer Broadband Line Monitoring

Ikanos Communications and SoftAtHome, a provider of home operating platforms, announced a solution for real-time broadband monitoring and diagnostic tools for operators.

The combined solution of inSIGHT BXM and SOP, jointly designed by Ikanos and SoftAtHome, aims to the best QoS over increasingly complex broadband networks such as VDSL2 vectoring and, in the near future, G.fast.

The solution offers two benefits: proactively identify the cause of common wiring faults and noise interference problems; and secondly, help end-users to solve certain local home connectivity problems.

“Broadband quality of service monitoring and diagnostics are more necessary than ever to reduce carrier operating costs and ensure optimal quality of service for subscribers,” said Omid Tahernia, CEO of Ikanos. “Adding our inSIGHT BXM to SoftAtHome software allows the combined solution to diagnose physical-line problems and noise interference accurately in real time. It also extends the benefits of inSIGHT to a broader base of global carriers.”
