Wednesday, January 14, 2015

F5's State of Application Delivery Survey

Current application environments are huge and growing, with many organizations reporting 200-500 applications currently deployed, according to F5 Networks' newly released 2015 State of Application Delivery survey.  More than 300 F5 customers from a broad range of vertical markets were interviewed for the survey.

Some key takeaways:

  • 20 percent of respondents said they have 201-500 applications currently deployed, and 28 percent have 1-200 applications deployed.
  • Private cloud and mobile are top-ranked trends - private cloud was ranked highest at 59 percent, and mobile apps a close second with 56 percent.
  • Application availability edges security in importance: When asked which services they couldn’t imagine deploying an application without, availability services was the top-ranking category with 40 percent of responses. Security services ranked nearly as high at 30 percent. Respondents reinforced the belief that if an application isn’t available, other services aren’t considered as important.
  • API-enabled infrastructure needed to drive business agility: Programmability is a key component for DevOps, SDN, and cloud computing. F5 customers responding to the survey assigned importance to programmatic technologies and capabilities within the network infrastructure, indicating a substantial shift toward the adoption of customizable automation and orchestration of network services.
  • SDN must reduce operating expenses: Customers continue to be interested in SDN as a means to operationalize their networks. According to the survey, two-thirds of respondents are considering SDN to reduce operating expenses. In order to progress from today’s early adopter stage to widespread implementation, SDN must address this requirement.