Monday, November 10, 2014

Rackspace Brings in $1,405 Per Server Per month

Rackspace reported net revenue for the third quarter of 2014 was $460 million, up 4.2 percent from the previous quarter and 18.3 percent from the third quarter of 2013. Net income was $26 million for the quarter, up 14.6 percent from the previous quarter.

"We are pleased with our operating performance this quarter and encouraged by the momentum we are seeing in the business,” said Taylor Rhodes, president and CEO of Rackspace. "We are poised to capitalize on the massive opportunity ahead in the managed cloud market, where we see increasing demand for our managed services and expertise. And while we made strong progress this year, we’re determined to continually improve our execution and seize our future.”

Some highlights:

  • Total server count in the third quarter of 2014 increased to 110,453, up from 107,657 servers at the end of the previous quarter. 
  • Revenue per server grew to $1,405 per month up from $1,375 in the previous quarter.
  • Net income margin for the quarter was 5.6 percent compared to 5.1 percent for the previous quarter.
  • On a worldwide basis, Rackspace employed 5,939 Rackers as of September 30, 2014, up from 5,798 in the previous quarter.