Monday, July 21, 2014

GoGrid Debuts “Any Cloud” Orchestration Engine

San Francisco-based GoGrid introduced its "any cloud" Orchestration Engine Service for delivering complex applications across multiple public or private clouds as well as on-premise data centers.

GoGrid has developed an orchestration engine that automates application deployments across multiple clouds and on-prem environments. The idea is to offer a "1-Button Deploy" service for activating or moving applications, whole servers or clusters of servers between clouds. This simplifies Big Data deployments in hybrid clouds. GoGrid's Orchestration Engine Service will also be available for partners to sell and deliver services.

GoGrid said its orchestration service can orchestrate anything with an API. The service is currently running in three data centers (San Francisco, Ashburn, and Amsterdam)

“We’re the first cloud operator to enable the delivery of complex application solutions like Big Data environments for Hadoop and Cassandra on-demand, and we’ve done so using an ‘un-opinionated’ Orchestration Engine Service that allows these solutions to be deployed onto any cloud,” said John Keagy, GoGrid’s CEO. “That means telcos could work with our ISV partners to make their solutions and technologies available on regional clouds to support specific data sovereignty requirements as well as on GoGrid’s high-performance Big Data cloud.”