Tuesday, July 1, 2014

AWS Adds Lowest-cost EC2 Instance Option

Amazon Web Services announced the availability of T2 instances -- the lowest cost Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance type to date. Target applications include web servers, developer environments, and small databases.

Th new tier significantly reduces costs for applications that do not require sustained high CPU performance but benefit from the ability to burst to full core performance. T2 On-Demand Instance prices start at $0.013 per hour ($9.50 per month). When used with Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) General Purpose (SSD) volumes, T2 instances also bring high-performance storage options to customers at a very low cost.

Customers can launch T2 instances using the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), AWS SDKs, AWS Marketplace, and third-party libraries. T2 instances are available in three instance sizes and are initially available in the US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), EU (Ireland), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Australia (Sydney), and Brazil (Sao Paulo) Regions. T2 instances can be purchased as On-Demand and Reserved Instances.

“Amazon EC2 provides an unmatched selection of instances to support customers running whatever workload they want on AWS. Some of our customers have requested instance types that optimize their performance and cost for applications that don’t use the full CPU capability frequently, but require the full CPU resources for short bursts,” said Matt Garman, Vice President, Amazon EC2 at Amazon Web Services. “T2 instances address this need by providing a consistent baseline performance with the ability to burst to full CPU core performance – all at a very low cost.”
