ETSI's Industry Specification Group for Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV ISG) has published its second white paper highlighting progress to date.
The NFV ISG, which will be meeting this week in California, currently has four working groups: Infrastructure Architecture, Management & Orchestration, Reliability & Availability, and Software Architecture. Altogether, the NFV ISG has grown to over 150 companies, including 28 Service Providers.
The new whitepaper provides an overview of the following topics:
- NFV Use Cases document describes initial fields of application.
- NFV Requirements document describes the high level business and technical requirements for an NFV framework including service models. It is a key reference document for the NFV ISG.
- NFV Architectural Framework document describes the high-level functional architecture and design philosophy for virtualised network functions and the underlying virtualisation infrastructure. By delineating the different constituents and outlining the reference points between them, it paves the way for fully interoperable multi-party NFV solutions.
- NFV Terminology document is a common repository for terms used within the NFV ISG documents.
- NFV Proof of Concept Framework document. The NFV ISG has launched a global call for multi-party NFV Proof of Concepts (PoC) to validate NFV approaches.

The 16-page whitepaper is available online.