Saturday, September 28, 2013

NTT Electronics and Acacia Assure 100G Coherent Interoperability

NTT Electronics (NEL) and and Acacia Communications have successfully established an interoperability mode of operation between their next-generation Coherent Digital Signal Processing ASIC's.

"Carriers and service providers require cost-effective pluggable transceivers even beyond the Ethernet reach (~30km) where de-facto 10GBASE-ZR is being used today," said Haruhiko Ichino, NEL Vice President and General Manager of Electronics Device & Systems. "The similar interoperability mode of operation at 100Gbps by using the established modulation format DP-QPSK and the standard Forward Error Correction GFEC, is indispensable for emerging digital coherent technologies to penetrate new markets including shorter-reach pluggable applications."

"The successful interoperability of the two market-leading Coherent Digital Signal Processing ASIC's provides optimal flexibility to service providers as they expand their networks," said Acacia Co-Founder and Director of DSP & Optics, Christian Rasmussen. "NEL and Acacia have both independently established significant market momentum in the fast-growing long-haul coherent 100G market. Service providers and equipment suppliers have encouraged Acacia and NEL to work in closer collaboration to drive standards and increase the level of interoperability. Acacia is delighted to have worked with NEL to collaborate in this groundbreaking effort to meet customers' 100G product expectations."