Tuesday, July 16, 2013

ITU-T Approves G.fast Broadband over Copper

The ITU-T Study Group 15 has granted first stage approval to G.fast (ITU-T G.9700), a new broadband over copper standard that promises up to 1 Gbps rates over copper lines at a distance of up to 250 meters.  G.fast, which is a successor to ADSL and VDSL technologies, uses 100 MHz wide channels. In addition, G.fast will enable self-installation by consumers without a technician’s assistance.

The ITU-T said the G.fast effort has attracted active participation by a large number of leading service providers, chip manufacturers, and system vendors.  Final approval of G.fast is expected in early 2014.

"G.fast is an important standard for service providers globally,” said Tom Starr, chairman of ITU-T Study Group 15, Working Party 1, which oversees the G.fast effort. “Service providers will be able to deliver fibre-like performance more quickly and more affordably than with any other approach."

"Since the early days of the World Wide Web, people around the world have accessed the vast resource that has become the Internet via ITU standards. I applaud our membership for continuing to show great leadership in the development of these specifications that bring broadband into our homes at ever increasing speeds and at ever greater efficiencies,” stated Hamadoun Touré, Secretary-General, ITU.
