Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dell'Oro: Strong Demand for Microwave Transmission Gear in N. America

The point-to-point Microwave Transmission equipment market grew 33 percent year-over-year in the North American region, according to a newly published report by Dell'Oro Group.  For the trailing four quarter period, the North American microwave market grew 18 percent over the year ago period reaching $645 million.  However, North America was the only region to achieve significant positive growth in the first quarter 2013.

Dell'Oro finds that Alcatel-Lucent benefited from its dominant North American market position, growing its trailing four quarter revenues 28 percent year-over-year.

"LTE mobile radio backhaul has been a catalyst for high speed microwave equipment roll-out in the North American market," said Jimmy Yu, Vice President of Microwave Transmission research at Dell'Oro Group.  "While fiber backhaul to cell towers has been the focus over the past few years, time-to-market is one the strongest advantages that microwave has had.  So as operators work towards offering LTE coverage in geographic regions where fiber isn't readily available, microwave has been proven to be a great alternative to meet the bandwidth, reliability and quality requirements while reducing installation times from years to weeks," Yu added.