Big Switch Networks is collaborating with F5 to automate the configuration of Application Delivery Networking services in private clouds.
The solution leverages the F5 BIG-IQ Cloud REST API to integrate the Big Virtual Switch network virtualization application, BIG-IP Application Delivery Networking (ADN) services and OpenStack into a flexible and unified cloud orchestration framework.
Big Virtual Switch dynamically provisions virtual network segments, or slices of the network, for applications and workloads and enables automation. The companies said that by combining BIG-IP application delivery resources with network segments automatically, network administrators no longer have to manually define and deploy compute resources and network connections individually.
"Inserting ADN services, and doing so automatically, is very important in virtualized network and SDN environments, and can only be achieved with a truly programmable system," said Mansour Karam, Big Switch Networks vice president of business development and strategic alliances. "Big Virtual Switch and BIG-IQ from F5 are both prime examples of programmable systems, and we are enthusiastic about working together to deliver a network automation solution."
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Big Switch and F5 Team on Cloud Application Delivery Networking Services
Tuesday, May 07, 2013
Big Switch, Enterprise, F5, OpenStack, SDN